Monthly Archive: July 2017

social media icons on a smartphone screen

What your Smartphone Use Might be Saying About You

Smartphone Behaviors and the Psychological Problem they are Most Associated With   Sometimes the literature on the subject of social media, the Internet and smartphones tends to address each of these things as a single problematic entity.  You’ve probably heard warnings about “smartphone addiction” or “social media obsession” more than once from the news media, from your grandmother, etc.  However, the Internet and the smartphone are just channels through which we access a world of...

cyborg robot girl with computers and data

You are a Cyborg

I am willing to bet that 95% of you reading this have your smartphone within arm’s reach or in your hand at this very moment.  Only 10 years ago, hardly anyone owned a smartphone, and today, 2.3 billion people have one or more of these multi-functional handheld devices.  And we don’t only own them; we are so connected to our smartphones in so many ways that some might say we have functionally merged with them,...