Tagged: depression

happy woman

How Social Media Can Decrease Happiness – Part 2: Smelling the Roses

This is Part 2 in the series about the specific ways in which our social media use can decrease happiness.  You can find Part 1 here, addressing how social networks lead us to turn ourselves into a product and how that can negatively affect our mental health. Post 2: Skimming Instead of Reading, Scrolling Instead of Seeing Another way that intense use of social media can negatively affect our happiness and life satisfaction is because...

self in the selfie

How Social Media Can Decrease Happiness – Part 1: Sharing Yourself

Depression among young people has been dramatically rising over the past 10 years and no one really knows why.  There are many possible reasons, and the answer is probably a combination of a few of them. However, one thing we know is that in the past 10 years, technology, smartphones and social media have also been greatly on the rise. To make the conclusion that higher technology use is causing more depression is a big...